
The Twenty-Second Annual International

Computer Software and Applications Conference

The Belvedere,
one of the splendid Baroque palaces in Vienna.

COMPSAC is the major international forum for researchers, practitioners, managers, and policy makers interested in computer software and applications. Experts and leaders from academia, software and computer industries, and governments will participate in the program. The conference welcomes original research or practice papers and panel discussion session proposals on relevant topics. The emphases of the conference will include, but not limited to, these special topics.
- Professional
Development Seminars:
August 17 - 18, 1998
- Conference: August 19 - 21, 1998

COMPSAC is sponsord by IEEE Computer Society [IEEE Computer Society Logo]
and supported by

[Austrian Airlines]
[Ernst & Young]
[Genesis] [Raiffeisen Zentralbank]

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